Hello, I’m Michael – designer, engineer, and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York. I create experiences, products, and environments for brands and startups.

Urban Cloud

Urban Cloud

Digital Tectonics

Brand Experiences

The process of translating brand identities into bold, immersive spaces must capture the spirit of a company, transcend mediums, and activate imaginations.

Mass Customization

I stay on the bleeding edge of digital fabrication technologies and parametric design tools that are changing the way humans create and manufacture user-specific goods.

Project Management

My agile management approach fosters productive teams in a collaborative environment. I’m all about prioritization, efficiency, and execution.

Digital Design and Fabrication

Next level design is at the magma core of what I do. With carefully selected tools and skills I express concepts and create objects that make a real difference.

Interactive Environments

An approach to experiential design that aims to bridge the gap between the physical and digital, engaging a contemporary audience through a compelling narrative.

Creative Problem Solving

A special blend of creative thinking and technical understanding helps me pinpoint innovative solutions that meet user needs as well as business objectives.

Want to collaborate?

Get in touch and put me to work!
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